Sunday, February 23, 2014

Photo Editing

This is an example of the manipulation of several different layers which I used to create the water reflection at the bottom of the photo. I also slightly adjusted the contrast to a more blue/green color.
Example of black and white photo.
An example of slow shutter speed and fireworks along with my website name at the bottom.
This is a photo I took at a local track and turned into a flyer using Photoshop.

Assignment Title: Photo Editing

Classroom Uses: There are a variety of uses for students and teachers to use photoshop as a tool within the classroom. As an avid user of photoshop I can attest to spending an ample amount of time manipulating and editing a photo. Photoshop would allow students to fully be engaged in their assignments and have control over what they would like to see.
One thing that students could do with photoshop is create flyers for advertisement or for classroom curriculum projects. Students who are running for a position in the student body, school clubs, and sports teams could make posters or flyers to help promote their club or position. Students could also use posters or flyers to help them demonstrate their understanding of a concept learned. For example, students could create a poster to show their understanding of how Michigan lumberjacks worked in log camps. 
Photoshop can also be a valuable tool for teachers who are looking to get their students more engaged in their learning. By creating more visually stimulating images some students will be able to have a better understanding of the concept being taught. Teachers can also use photoshop to assist them in test making that requires images to be used for certain questions. 

Issues to Consider: The first issue that needs to be taken into consideration is software compatibility with the types of devices the school has. Also, if a new software is needed most schools would have to contact their technology department to have the software installed on the devices needed. The time frame for this to happen could vary depending on how many downloads are needed as well as the availability of the technology department to complete the download.
I would also suggest having students save their files to an external drive to save space on the device being used. If not an external device then possibly an online cite that allows things to be stored and accessed. I also believe that students will need assistance with managing their time when editing a photo. 
Finally, a program such as photoshop will cost the district money if they want to be able to fully manipulate photos. Money will have to be budgeted in to make this possible.

Copyright: All photos were taken and editing by me and posted to my online facebook page ejkphotography

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Assignment Title: Infographic

Uses in the Classroom: There are a variety of different uses for an Infographic in the classroom. The teacher can use an Infographic for informational posters in the classroom, newsletters for parents, holiday and field trip information, etc. It's something that is easy to look at visually if made the correct way and can answer any questions that students may have.

This is also a great tool for students to use if they have access to the technology needed. Students can use this to create reports  or even informational posters for events like student council elections. Infographics allow students to gather data and quickly analyze it to figure out what they need to know. In the case of the above Infographic each morning my students have a strict routine they need to follow and complete. This graphic can assist them if they have forgotten what to do or if I'm absent the substitute will easily understand.

Issues to Consider: If an Infographic is cluttered with a variety of information it can become too much for some students to understand visually. Each Infographic needs to be carefully thought out so it is beneficial to the viewer. If students will be making these in the classroom they will need the proper technology as well as an email to sign up for the trial versions. If using this tool on a handheld device may also limit what the user can do.

Copyright: All graphics used belong to the graphics gallery.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Instructional Video - Multiplication

Assignment Title: Instructional Video

Uses in the Classroom: An educational video can have a huge impact on student learning in the classroom. It is an added resource that engages students in a different way within the classroom. This video is meant to primarily be an introduction to multiplication. Understanding that multiplication is simply repeated addition can be a tricky concept for some students, so creating a variety of different ways for students to learn about this concept can be key for their understanding.

After viewing this I would have my students use their iPads to demonstrate the concept of repeated addition. They can do this through a variety of different apps that I have downloaded on their iPad.

Issues to Consider: Not all students are going to benefit from seeing an instructional video so it will be crucial for teachers to consider an alternative method for students who need to learn with a different technique. Of course there are always technology issues to consider. In this case having the proper software and internet capabilities are critical when using an instructional video. One also needs to consider the copyright laws depending on the video created.

Copyright: All music and picture credits can be found at the end of the video on the credits list.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Digital Story

Assignment Title: Digital Storytelling

Uses in Classroom: There are many different way that teachers and students can use digital storytelling in the classroom. It can be used to introduce topics, present information, document field trips, etc. This type of activity is a great way for students to express their creativity through different types of media including photographs, audio, text, and video. This can be a powerful tool to combine with writing that is eventually turned into a digital format. Teachers who use digital storytelling are also reaching students on different levels and may have an easier time engaging those tricky pupils who need a lot of engagement.

Issues to Consider: When wanting to use digital storytelling in the classroom there are a few components that one needs to consider. First, students need to have access to a computer or tablet if they are creating the story. Whatever these devices may be they will also need to be equipped with some type of digital storytelling software. If the teacher is using this type of software they will need access to the same type of device as well as a projector and sound.
Teachers also need to consider the copyright laws if students are going to be publishing pictures in their presentation.

Copyright: The above video is original work from the author of the blog. Included in the video are the following images:

Young Thomas Edison. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

Edison's Home. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

Beakers. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

News. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

Train Depot. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

Morse Code. Web. 1 Feb. 2014.

Code. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Telegraph. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Vote Recorder. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Laboratory. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Carbon Transmitter. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Phonograph. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Electric Light. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Motion Picture. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Thomas Edison. Web. 2 Feb. 2014.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Digital Screencast

Assignment Title: Screencast

Uses in the Classroom: A screencast is a great tool for students or teachers to use in the classroom. It's great for the classroom because it allows students to investigate how to create something without having direct instruction from their teacher. There is an added benefit of playback so students can watch the video as many times as they need to so they can figure out their assignment. Screencast also would allow for students who are absent to possibly access how to do their work from home if they have internet and device capabilities.

Issues to Consider: With any type of technology there are always possible issues that may occur. There are things that screencast users need to consider when taking this type of assignment into the classroom. First one should consider the types of students that will be using this tool. Not all students will benefit from a tutorial type of lesson. Another issue to consider is how accessible it is for the students to use. Not only do they need devices to access the screencast, but they also will need a connection to the internet.
When using screencast you will also need access to a microphone, screencasting software, and Java. One will also need to know how to disable any type of security blockers that would prevent Java from downloading on their computer.

Copyright: Picture belongs to Erin Krell. All themes are from